Self Employment Program Through Ei

The first of the three new benefits is the Canada Recovery Benefit for workers who are self-employed or not EI-eligible and still require income support because their work has not yet returned due. Self-Employment is an employment program of Employment Nova Scotia that assists unemployed Labour Market Development Agreement LMDA eligible individuals to create jobs for themselves by starting a business Important Changes to the Self Employment Program The eligibility criteria for the Self Employment Program has changed. Self-Employment is an employment program of Employment Nova Scotia that assists unemployed Labour Market Development Agreement LMDA eligible individuals to create jobs for themselves by starting a business Important Changes to the Self Employment Program The eligibility criteria for the Self Employment Program has changed.

Self Employment Program Through Ei Account


Due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, there are changes to this program.

Changes to support you during COVID-19

  • Under the Employment Insurance Act, self-employed Canadians and permanent residents—those who work for themselves—are able to apply for EI special benefits if they.
  • The new IT Self-Employment Program is the successor to the very successful and popular BCIT Entrepreneurial Skills Train- ing (B.E.S.T.) Program which was a self-employment program sponsored by the Federal Government from 1999 to 2008.

As of September 27, 2020, there are some temporary changes to the EI program to help you access EI self-employment benefits. The following changes will be in effect for 1 year and could apply to you:

  • You’ll receive at least $500 per week before taxes, or $300 per week before taxes for extended parental benefits, but you could receive more

Sections on this page impacted by these temporary changes are flagged as Temporary COVID-19 relief.

Employment Insurance (EI) has a program designed for self-employed people. If you run your own business or control more than 40% of your corporation’s voting shares, this program can provide you with access to special benefits as early as 12 months after registering. When you need to take time away from your business to care for yourself, your children or other family members, you could receive financial support of up to 55% of your earnings, up to a maximum amount. In 2021, the maximum amount is $595 per week.

Please note that regular benefits aren’t available through this program.

If you’re a fisher, barber or hairdresser, or if you drive a taxi or other passenger vehicle, you don’t need to register for the self-employed program. People in these professions should apply for EI benefits as an employee.

Residents of Quebec

If you’re a resident of Quebec, sickness, compassionate care and family caregiver benefits are available to you through our program. The Province of Quebec is responsible for providing maternity, paternity, parental and adoption benefits to its residents. Visit the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan for more information.

There are 6 types of special benefits

Benefit nameWho this benefit is forMaximum weeksWeekly maximum
Maternitypeople who are away from work because they're pregnant or have recently given birth15$595
Parentalparents who are away from work to care for their newborn or newly adopted child40 or 69 depending on the option you choose$595 or $357 depending on the option you choose
Sicknesspeople who cannot work for medical reasons15$595
Family caregiver benefit for childrenpeople who provide care or support to a critically ill or injured person under 1835$595
Family caregiver benefit for adultspeople who provide care or support to a critically ill or injured person 18 or over15$595
Compassionate carepeople who provide care or support to a person who requires end‑of‑life care26$595

To be eligible for these benefits, you must meet the conditions of the benefit for which you are applying.

You must also:

  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • be registered in the self-employed program for at least 12 months
  • have decreased the amount of time you spend on your business by more than 40% for at least one week
  • have earned a minimum amount of self-employed earnings between January 1 and December 31 of the year before you apply for benefits

To be eligible for benefits in 2021, you need to have earned at least $7,555 in 2020.

Registering for the self-employed program

Self Employment Program Through Ei

It’s easy. There are 2 steps:

  1. Register online for the program
  2. Pay EI premiums

You can apply for special benefits 12 months after your confirmed registration date.

Paying your EI premiums

After you register for this program, you’ll be responsible for paying premiums when you file your income tax return each year.

Self employment program through ei education

You’ll pay premiums based on your self-employed income for the entire calendar year, starting the year you register.

Ei Program Canada


The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will confirm the amount of your premiums based on the self-employed income you report on your tax return.

If you’re a shareholder of a corporation

If you’re a shareholder of a corporation where you work as an employee and you control more than 40% of that corporation's voting shares, your premiums are based on your employment income.

Estimate your premiums

In 2021, you’ll pay $1.58 in EI premiums for every $100 you earn. The most you’ll pay for 2021 is $889.54. This premium rate changes annually.

Everyone pays the same rate of EI premiums, whether they’re self-employed or an employee.

Residents of QuebecSelfEmployment

In 2021, you’ll pay $1.18 in EI premiums for every $100 you earn. The most you’ll pay for 2021 is $664.34. This premium rate changes annually. Your premiums will be lower than those for self-employed people who reside outside of Quebec since the province provides benefits under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

You can still register for the program if you’re self-employed and also an employee

In this case, your insurable earnings* from both employment and self-employment could be combined to increase your benefit rate. The maximum benefit rate and the number of weeks of benefits you can get stays the same. Temporary COVID-19 relief

*Insurable earnings include most of the different types of compensation from employment, such as wages, tips, bonuses and commissions. The CRA determines what types of earnings are insurable.

  • About Skills PEI
  • Programs for Job Seekers
  • Programs for Employers
  • Programs for Organizations
  • Funding Agreements

Self Employ PEI is an employment program developed to help job seekers who want to launch their own business. This program provides financial support and business counseling to new entrepreneurs during their first year of operation. SkillsPEI offers Self Employ PEI information sessions for interested job seekers to find out more about the program.

If you are unemployed and looking for full time employment you are eligible to apply.

  • You must be legally authorized to work in Canada (Canadian citizen or permanent resident);
  • You must have a current claim for Employment Insurance benefits; or
  • You must have a previous EI claim whose benefit period ended within the previous 60 months; or
  • An unemployed person who paid, in at least 5 of the last 10 years, employee's premiums that did not entitle the person for a refund (ie. If the person made less than $2000 in earnings in a year, any EI premiums that they would have paid, would be reimbursed);
  • You must not currently be operating your own business;
  • Other criteria may apply.

If you are interested in the Self Employ PEI program, you must attend and Information Session. After the Information Session, you can set up a time to meet with a Program Officer/Case Manager to complete a needs assessment and develop a Return to Work Action Plan. Once this is complete, you can submit the Self Employ PEI application with your business plan and proof of financing.Please note, applicants must not have started the operation of the proposed business before submitting an application for the program.

To assess your application, we will need:

  • Return-To-Work Action Plan:
  • Self Employ Suitability Assessment questionnaire;
  • Self Employ PEI Application for funding;
  • Detailed business plan;
  • Proof of investment or financing;
  • Resume;

Your business plan must demonstrate that your business will provide the potential for long term viability. There are many types of eligible businesses that qualify for funding: manufacturing, food and beverage, information technology, trades, retail, etc.

Once you submit your completed application package, SkillsPEI will review your information. Once you receive confirmation that your application has been approved for the Self Employ PEI program, you can open your new business.

There is no deadline for applications under the Self Employ PEI program as we accept applications on an ongoing basis.

During the first year you are in business you will devote a minimum of 35 hours each week to implement your business plan.

Each week you will receive a weekly living allowance or EI benefits, or a combination of the two. You may also be eligible for a $1,000 consulting grant.

This information is a general guide for applicants. Applications received by SkillsPEI will be assessed against additional program criteria to determine eligibility.

Call SkillsPEI's general inquiries line at 1-877-491-4766 or visit one of the following SkillsPEI offices:

Atlantic Technology Centre
176 Great George Street, Suite #212
Charlottetown, PEI

Access PEI
120 Heather Moyse Drive
Summerside, PEI

548 Main Street
Montague, PEI

Future Tech West
454 Main Street
O'Leary, PEI

If you are interested in the Self Employ PEI program you must:

  • Attend an Information Session before submitting an application for the program;
  • Register for an Information Session by calling the SkillsPEI's general inquiries line at 1-877-491-4766 or visit one of the four SkillsPEI locations.
  • Information Sessions are held at the Skills PEI offices in Charlottetown, Montague, Summerside and O’Leary;

Please note, applicants must not have started the operation of the proposed business prior to submitting an application for the program.


In order to practice safe social distancing, Self Employ PEI information sessions are currently being presented remotely through video and/or telephone. Interested individuals can register to be included for one of the below listed dates.

Skills PEI Charlottetown (176 Great George Street) and Skills PEI Montague (548 Main Street) - Fridays 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (alternating dates)
Aug 7, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Aug 28, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Sept 11, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Sept 25, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Oct 9, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Oct 23, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Nov 6, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Nov 20, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Dec 4, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Self Employment Program Through Either

Access PEI Souris (15 Green Street) - Thursdays 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (once per month)
Aug 14, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Oct 15, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Dec 10, 2020
Skills PEI Summerside (120 Moyse Drive) - Wednesdays - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (every second week)
10:00 - Noon
Sept 2, 2020
10:00 - Noon
Sept 30, 2020
10:00 - Noon
Oct 28, 2020
10:00 - Noon
Dec 2, 2020
10:00 - Noon

Self Employment Program Through Ei Benefit

Skills PEI O'Leary (454 Main Street) Tuesday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (once per month)
Aug 11, 2020
10:00 - Noon
Oct 13, 2020
10:00 - Noon
Dec 8, 2020


Self Employment Program Through Ei Income

Funded by the Department of Economic Growth, Tourism and Culture through the Canada-PEI labour market agreements.

Self Employment Program Through Ei Education

Updated April 2020