Android Appsfree Christian Resources & Downloads

There truly is an app for everything nowadays. But is there an app to help you with your faith? Here is my list of the top 15 Christian Apps that you need on your phone to help you grow in your faith.

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Free Downloads of Christian Resources. exists to make ready a people prepared to meet the Lord (Luke 1:17). Prepared people must know and understand God's Word. They must know God's Will so they can do God's Will in their lives and not be foolish (Rom. 12:2; Ephesians 5:17). They can walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please. Download Christian Movies apk 5.9.0 for Android. The Best Christian movies at Discount Prices. Find your favorites here. It works on Android, iOS, Windows, and even kindle. #6 Kidlogger Kidlogger keeps a track of how long your child used their phone or computer on any particular day. Further, you will also know what.

Top Bible App – YouVersion Bible

This might be the first app I downloaded whenever I get a new phone. It makes me feel like a good Christian. This Christian app is an all-in-one Bible app. Besides having the bible in every translation there is, there are thousands of FREE bible studies. This might be the non-social app I use the most. If you only download one app from this list, this is the one. take your time and dive into it. IT has really helped in my walk with God and I know it will help yours too.

Download here – iPhone / Android

Top Christian Prayer App – Echo

If you are anything like me you tend to lose track of what you’re doing when you pray. These apps keep you on track. think of these both as a digital prayer list. No more “oh yeah and…. oh yeah and…. oh yeah and…” when you are praying.

Download here – iPhone / Android

Top Christian Meditation App – Abide & Calm

In today’s crazy world being still with God should be a much higher priority then it is. Abide help you achieve this. If you have never meditated or maybe you do it regularly, this app’s free guided meditations can help you focus on God in your time of reflection.
Calm is an app that just helps me stay… calm. They have a time setting where you listen to calm background noise. this is perfect to use while praying to cancel out the noise of the world.

Download Abide here – iPhone / Android

Download Calm here – iPhone / Android

Top Journal/Notes App- Evernote

I take note of everything. Evernote helps you organize all of your notes. Reading a book of the bible? Evernote makes it easy to organize your thoughts. Taking notes during church? Make a digital notebook for that. What’s even better is that the notes are searchable. So if you want to recall all your thoughts bout one verse, just search it. You will have every note with that verse in it pops up.

Download here – iPhone / Android

Top Christian Sermons App – Google Podcast / Apple Music / Youtube

This is kind of a given. Every church posts its sermons on youtube and as a podcast. These are the most popular platforms to listen or watch a sermon. You more than likely already have these apps on your phone. Here are 3 churches that regularly listen to or watch.

  • The Father’s House – Youtube / Apple Music / Google Podcast
  • The Rock Church – Youtube / Apple Music / Google Podcast
  • Christ Church of the Valley – Youtube / Apple Music / Google Podcast

Top Christian Entertainment App – Pure Flix

Christian Netflix. To be honest the quality of content on Pureflix is getting better and better. One of the areas that I really enjoy is documentaries. You will need to get a subscription to use. Get a great offer by clicking here.

Download here – iPhone / Android

Top For Kids Christian Apps – Bible App for Kids

This app is so entertaining I even enjoy using it with my Kids. each book of the Bible is its own litter animated story with games. next time you have to distract your kids try this app instead.

Download here – iPhone / Android

Top Christian News App – CBN News

What makes news Christian? the lens that it is reported through. It’s nice to have a news source where you don’t have to read between the lines to find where your faith falls within a story. I also have found they have way more happy new stories than other news outlets.

Download here – iPhone / Android

Top Christian Morning Routine App – First 5

start your day off with God. after setting a daily reminder this app will give you short teaching. It’s a great way to start off your day. plus there are so many plans that you can choose from.

Download here – iPhone / Android

Android Appsfree Christian Resources & Downloads

Top Christian Books/Reading App – Kindle & Audible

If there is a book you want to read or listen to these are the only real options you have. Kindle is getting better. I like that you have the ability to highlight and just read the highlight to a book. Makes it much easier to reread a book. Audible is great too. Click here is you want to get a great deal on trying out audible.

Download Kindle here – iPhone / Android

Download Audible here – iPhone / Android

Top Christian Money App – Everydollar

There is no such thing as Christian money. But if there was this would be the app you would use. Most churches use Dave Ramseys Financial Peace University as their money small group. This is Dave’s budgeting app.

Download here – iPhone / Android

Top Worship App – Spotify

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Give a thumbs up to the songs you like and let Spotify be your worship leader.

Download here – iPhone / Android


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You don’t need all of these Christian apps on your phone to be a Christian. They will help you in your quest to live a happy, healthy, and holy life. Are there other Christian apps I should know about? Did I forget your favorite? Let me know on Instagram, @Tyler_Inloes.

At the Gospel Broadcasting Network (GBN), our dedication and commitment is to achieve God’s desire for, “all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth,” which is why our online Bible resources are free (1 Timothy 2:4).

Online Bible Resources

Our resources go beyond our GBN programs. We offer additional online Bible resources, like our daily devotionals and Bible correspondence courses for you to use if desired.

The Scripture teaches us that, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him,” so we provide information about recommended Bible courses, like those from World Video Bible School, to help you discover where you’d like to continue your learning of Bible’s teachings (James 1:5).

We also maintain a list of recommended marriage retreats in our online Bible resources to help you and your spouse build your commitment to one another. Continually building your marriage follows what the Scripture says about these sacred vows — “what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6).

Each of these resources and organizations provides unbiased, Bible-based answers and services to you. These organizations’ commitment is also to follow the Word of God and his desire that we, “preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

Resources for New Believers

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We offer several resources for new believers, or those renewing their relationship with God. The International Bible Teaching Ministries’ (IBTM) free Bible correspondence courses help you discover the Word of God and his teachings through the Scripture.

These courses provide you with a teacher as well as a Certification of Completion for each course passed. Intermediate and advanced courses are also offered by IBTM, for the Bible teaches you to, “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).

Resources for Churches & Youth Ministries

Churches and youth ministries are welcome to use our resources to share the Bible’s lessons.

Android Apps Free Christian Resources & Downloads Free

Play our free resources for churches, such as our archived programs like Text Message to inspire members young and old to follow and study the Word of God. Our list of recommended Bible study courses is also a helpful resource for youth ministries.

The value of sharing these resources with the children of your congregation is significant, as God said, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6).

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Learn more about our available resources by visiting our Christian Living page.