40k Rogue Trader Pdfbrownface

Rogue Trader: Pride and Profit

  1. Warhammer Rogue Trader Pdf

A Rogue Trader's Arch-Militant armed with a bolter. All Rogue Traders are highly exceptional individuals who are driven to success beyond the dreams of the ordinary men and women of the Imperium of Man even though these exceptional people often have extreme character quirks themselves; some destroy entire worlds for the slightest reason, or include alien warriors and mutants among their. Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay expands into new territory with Rogue Trader, a new roleplaying game experience set in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium. In Rogue Trader, you can explore the universe of Warhammer 40,000 like never before.

  • A Rogue Trader’s true reward lies beyond fame and fortune, however. A Rogue Trader who can take risks and wrest them into profi ts by skill, luck, or sheer force of will enjoys something few humans in the 41st Millennium even know. A Rogue Trader’s life is one of adventure and true freedom, the freedom to choose.
  • Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, sometimes just referred to as Rogue Trader, was the first core rule book for the Warhammer 40,000 game. General Structure. The first rule book for the Warhammer 40,000 game, Rogue Trader was published in 1987 and written by Rick Priestley, and was quite different to future versions of the game. Largely a cross.

Combat Actions

Summary of Combat Actions


Warhammer Rogue Trader Pdf

AimHalf/FullConcentration+10 (Half Action) or +20 (Full Action) to your next attack. Can be used for Melee or Ranged. Use of Reaction negates Aim.
All Out AttackFullAttack, Melee+30 to WS, cannot Dodge or Parry. Cannot combine with Aim Action.
Brace Heavy WeaponHalfMiscellaneousReady heavy weapon to fire (-30 BS normally). Effect lasts until weapon is moved.
Called ShotFullAttack, Concentration, Melee or RangedAttack a specific location at –20 to hit.
ChargeFullAttack, Melee, MovementMust move 4 meters, +20 to WS.
Defensive StanceFullConcentration, MeleeGain an additional Reaction, opponents suffer –20 to
DelayHalfMiscellaneousBefore your next Turn take any Half Action.
DisengageFullMovementBreak off from melee without incurring free attack.
EvasionReactionMovement/MeleeTest Dodge (Movement) or Parry (Melee) to avoid a hit. Additional hit per DoS.
FeintHalfAttack, MeleeOpposed WS Test; if you win, your next attack cannot be Dodged or Parried.
Focus PowerVariesVariesUse a Psychic Power.
Full Auto BurstHalfAttack, Ranged-10 to BS, additional hit per DoS up to RoF.
GrappleHalf/FullAttack, MeleeAffect a Grappled opponent or escape from a Grapple.
Guarded ActionHalfConcentration, Melee/Ranged–10 WS or BS; +10 to all Evasion until start of next turn.
Jump or LeapFullMovementJump vertically or leap horizontally.
Knock DownHalfAttack, MeleeTry and knock an opponent to the ground.
Lightning AttackHalfAttack, Melee-10 WS; additional hit per DoS, up to WS bonus; requires Lightning Attack Talent
ManoeuvreHalfAttack, Melee, MovementOpposed WS Test, if you win, move enemy 1 metre.
MoveHalf/FullMovementMove up to your movement as a Half Action or twice your movement as a Full Action.
OverwatchFullAttack, Concentration, RangedShoot targets coming into a set kill zone; targets may be Pinned.
ReadyHalfMiscellaneousReady a weapon or item.
ReloadVariesMiscellaneousReload a ranged weapon.
RunFullMovementMove your Run value; enemies –20 BS and +20 WS.
Semi-Auto BurstFullAttack, RangedAdditional hit for every two DoS up to RoF.
Stand/Mount/DismountHalfMovementStand up or mount/dismount a riding animal or vehicle.
Standard AttackHalfAttack, Melee or RangedMake one melee or ranged attack; +10 WS or BS.
StunFullAttack, MeleeTry to Stun an opponent.
Suppressing FireFullAttack, RangedForce opponents to make Pinning Test; –20 to BS to actually hit.
Swift AttackHalfAttack, MeleeAdditional hit for every two DoS up to WS bonus. Requires Swift Attack Talent.
Tactical AdvanceFullConcentration, MovementMove from cover to cover.
Use a SkillVariesConcentration, MiscellaneousYou may use a Skill.